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santa margherita ligure

sabato, 05 ottobre h18

saturday, october 5th 6pm

hotel mediterraneo


kantele evening

from sibelius... to contemporary



eva alkula - jenny vartiainen



timo alakotila (1959)

cirrus (2004)

lumen valossa / in the light of snow (2007)


jean sibelius (1865-1957)

oiellet op.85 n.2

menuetto op.40 n.4

sången om korsspindeln op.27 n.4

(arrangement paul salminem)



martti pokela (1924-2007)

yrttejä / herbs (1959)

(eva alkula)


timo alakotila (1959)

ängskärs menuett

(jenny vartiainen)


toru takemitsu (1930-1996)

bad boy (1961)

a boy named hiroshima (1987)


nico muhly (1981)

a hudson cycle (2005)



supported by









il pubblico partecipante, dopo il concerto può  cenare con le artiste presso il ristorante "antico cedro" dell'hotel, a prezzo convenzionato  - obbligatoria la prenotazione al 0185293342


the  public, after the concert, may dine with the artists at the "ancient cedar" restaurant of the hotel, at a special price . It's mandatory to book in advance ( phone 0185293342) 


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